
Weight Training Workout Log for Wednesday September 12 2007

Slow lower straight leg deadlift with 180 goal 18 reps 15 before regripping if possible. 14 then regrip and got 16, one regrip rep less than last time and same before regripping. All done nice and slow lower though. rest not very long after regrip if rested more might have got 17. See how do with fast lower next time I try.

Widegrip military press 114 goal 5 reps. Did 4 only did do full extension hold at top though. Same weight next time aim for the full 5 reps.

Barbell Row 171 goal 10 reps did only did 7 grip not giving but didn't feel quit as strong. reps harder. Keep at this weight for next time. Usually do this before straightlegdeadlift could be factor.

Bench 145 goal 8 reps might do less though as this is up 1 pound. did 7 so hold weight next time and try for 8. all with good form no butt I did feel a bit in grip but went up ok.

Front Squat Wide grip 136 doing what I can do 4 or 5 I hope. did 1 only failed at bottom grip not a factor nor wrists, legs just failed, guess straightleg deadlift nailed glutes which I need for this. Haven't done after straightleg deadlift before. Ah well will try next time. first rep seemed tough also.

Wide grip upright row 100 goal 8 good reps, doing this because skipped last workout. did 8 total first 4 then rest and did others some momentum to chin to get last ones, rep 8 like a partial half way or so, felt sensation right wrist forearm but no grip limitation that was real noticeable.

Hang clean 120 goal 18 grip might be factor will see. did only 13 was tough, resting between reps early on and had to use leg dip early. felt sensasion right forearm and grip like slipped while pulling up so stopped set. Will do better next time I am sure.

Underhand grip triceps barbell extension with 68 pounds goal 6 reps did 4

Dumbell curl heavy 47.5 goal 8 and 6 did 1 left and 2 right ah well.

Not so good workout see how it goes next time.