
Weight Training Workout Log for Saturday February 9 2007

*Did some exersizes before work.

Narrow Grip Military Press 101 plus 1 pound goal 10 reps (before work) did 10 reps last rep a bit strainy did do them nice with slower lower and nice extension at top Felt a bit in wrist right for some reason during and after.. Reverse Military Press 112 goal 4 reps did 4 reps as usual last rep real tough. (before work)

Back Squat 139 goal 8 reps did 8 reps first rep up was an absolute killer was very tough to get up. Rep 8 was tough also. But first rep way tough like got a bad start but it went up ultimately. (before work)

Bench Press Old School 120 with 2 and 1/2 plates did 10 reps seemed heavy on deadlift to leg part get into position part awkward as usual but did and then did 10 reps. Felt sensation left wrist or triceps but did ok lift wise.

Straightleg Deadlift with 175 and 2 and 1/2 plates just do what can do did 16 reps

Upright Row Narrow 106 goal 7 reps did 7 reps

Dumbell row with 80 plus bar or 84 goal 11 and 9 did 11 right and 9 left. Wrist hard to control and keep weight level on left side big time, losing big time rep 8 and 9. rep 9 barely came up due to wrist I think.

Power Clean from floor 145 goal 5 reps did 5 reps

Dumbell Curl heavy 46.5 goal 10 and 6 did 0 reps left side and 9 right. Might have to try using less weight on left side or just wait it out. I think compound movements are hammering left biceps, felt sensation during day at work from just doing overhead lifts and reverse grip military press.